Sycamore Christian Preschool is a Japanese/English bilingual preschool program with an emphasis on Japanese language and culture.
We are committed to providing a caring nurturing Christian environment for the children where children can feel loved and be themselves. Our hopes are:
– Children to feel the wonder and love of God
– Children to be thankful and joyful in God blessing
– Children to grow with their own uniqueness, love each other and live harmoniously
– Children to grow by playing in the nature
– 子ども一人ひとりが、いつも共にいてくださる神さまの存在に気づき、自らがかけがえのない者として愛されていることを知り、感謝と喜びを持って過ごす。
– 子ども自身が本来持っている個性や創造性を発揮して、ともに育つ。
– 神さまが創られた自然の中で、心と体を存分に使って遊び、健康的な体を育む。